The manufacturing of Limoges porcelain began in FRANCE during the late 1700s and continues to this day. To identify their wares, most makers marked their products on the underside of the dish. The earliest wares may only include an obscure mark or initials, a bit confusing to a novice Limoges collector.
Luckily, the Limoges most people find aesthetically pleasing today, dates to a time when the United States required a country of origin be identified on all imported goods.
So~ as you inspect an item of interest, carefully examine the maker's mark. If it includes LIMOGES and FRANCE, the item is the real deal. If the mark reads Limoges China, you can be pretty certain it is a fake. Most "Limoges China" marked items were produced in the country of China during the last 10 to 20 years. Other items marked Limoges China include older, semi-vitreous and American made dinnerware, dishes prone to staining and crazing.

To the best of my knowledge, only one authentic manufacturer of antique Limoges porcelain had a mark that included the words LIMOGES CHINA. That company is Tressemann and Vogt and that mark will also include their name or T&V initials.
If you are serious about collecting Limoges porcelain, there are several books on market that identify the many Limoges marks, including the earlier, more nebulous ones. For mark identification and a general history of the dozens of Limoges companies, I personally prefer Mary Frank Gaston's Encyclopedia of Limoges.
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